I'm looking forward to trying new things in the new year (especially in the baking department- thanks to my parents for a new KitchenAid mixer!), and to meeting more people who love Portland and food as much as I do.
So here's my year in blogging review!
In January, I visited my boyfriend in Charleston, South Carolina, had some great eats at FIG and Baked. I also discovered Po'Boys and Pickles here in Portland, and my sister came to visit me! Mark Bittman's Cheddar Biscuits was by far my favorite recipe of the month.
In February, I took a trip down to the Bahamas to visit M. And cheered the Saints to a win in the Super Bowl with some gumbo and king cake.
In March, we continued on our Thai-o-rama project (started in February and lasting until December!). I took a cheese making class with my friend Elizabeth, while she visited from Maryland, and took advantage of the now defunct Evangeline's restaurant week menu with Uke Mochi.
April brought M. back to Maine from his silly sailing trip (yay!!!) and we were off and running in the kitchen with homemade pasta, hipster lemonade, fried donuts, and chicken tagine both with Gryffon Ridge spices.
In June, we saw the beginning of a run of fabulous Maine weather, accompanied by the best gardening season since I've lived here. There was lots of fresh produce to be had and preserved.
In July, I'm surprised I cooked at all, since I was at the beach whenever I was not at work! But my parents came to visit, and when I wasn't visiting with family or sunning at the beach, I was canning! I canned dilly beans, pickles, dill relish, and more jam.
In August, M. and I explored our local fried seafood options, and we ate lots of fresh produce and seafood. I was lucky enough to take time off to spend a week down at the OBX beach with my family.
In September, we traveled to Unity for the Common Ground Fair (mmm... more fried seafood) and, well, from the looks of it, I was busy canning! And my life was forever changed by my first Sicilian Slab from Micucci's.
In October, I celebrated a birthday with an excellent party (thanks, friends!), and then I was really busy with a job! So I ate out (smile!), and worked a lot (frown).
November saw the end of the Thai-o-rama project, but feeling the need to continue themed reviews, Dawn, S. and I reviewed local cupcakes.
December was my lowest number of posts all year! I was so sad and busy, but managed to meet with friends for a holiday cocktail tasting and to make some awesome holiday treats (if I do say so myself).
And then it was the holidays, I had some time off, saw my family, and all was right with the world. In the new year, I hope to have more exciting blogging projects, meet some more bloggers in person, and to make some new recipes to share. Thanks for reading and happy cooking!