August 30, 2013

Sitting Outside

Labor Day weekend means the end of summer in Maine - in other places, it's summer hot until at least mid-September. But our beach days are winding down and I've been sure to make the most of this fine stretch of late August weather we've had by sitting outside a lot. 

I made it to Willard Beach in South Portland a few days in a row, where it actually was hot enough to warrant a dip into the ocean (when does the water ever get warm?? Never? Oh.). 

We sat outside at Hadlock Field and watched the Portland Sea Dogs stage a great late comeback, but ultimately lose to the New Hampshire Fisher Cats. I ate a hot dog, drank a Baxter, and stayed for the (really long) fireworks show. 

Every Sunday, I've been sitting out on our sailboat. Here's the dinghy loaded to the gills for our latest overnight trip. There's always a lot of (too much?) beer and rum, more cold water swimming, and antics involving someone(s) falling out of/swamping the dinghy when we go back to shore. But the sailing has been nice lately. 

Happy hours lately have had a outdoor mandate, satisfied by the decks of Portland Lobster Company (fortunately no music this time - while I love the live acts that play there, it gets too loud to talk!), The Thirsty Pig, and Hot Suppa

I was happy to get back to the Pig - I haven't been in a while. I had a New Englander hot dog which comes with baked beans and slaw on the dog. Delish. 

While I was sitting outside on the beach again (this time in North Carolina), the zucchini was growing. We came back to this beast, hiding beneath the giant leaves. 

After getting as much 'posing with a giant vegetable as a prop' mileage out of it as we could, it was shredded to make 4 loaves of zucchini bread, all with a different combination of walnuts, chocolate chips, and orange juice/zest. I used this Food52 recipe

Make the most of your Labor Day weekend - I'll be... well, you know.