Now I know you're thinking, why did she take a picture of her half-eaten food- that's gross. But trust me, it didn't look much better when it arrived at my table this morning. I went for brunch (reportedly one of the best brunches in town) and aside from the prices and the big mimosas- after I ordered the regular one and not the 'special' one spiked with DeKuypers peach schnapps, yuck- I don't agree with the best brunch superlative.
Again, the prices are great, what brunch prices should be, but my biscuits and gravy with poached eggs ($7!) didn't match the diner prices. First, the main offense: the biscuit and gravy ratio was way off. I had biscuits that were 2" high (yay!) but only a thin layer of orange (?) gravy on top (boo!). The biscuits were great (I can make good ones too though), but the second offense was the gravy that had very little flavor and dry sausage.
Verdict? Underwhelming brunch. I'm still on the hunt for my favorite reliable brunch spot.