February 12, 2009

Featured Reading

This is going to be quick cuz I am starving. It does not help that it smells like meat in here, delicious, slow-cooked, spice-rubbed, fat-melting-in-mouth meat in here. Not that I've been thinking about it.
The crockpot has been making my dinner all day (love you, crockpot!) and it smells like meat all through the apartment and down the hall to the elevator. So I'll keep it brief before I go forage for a snack (an appetite ruining snack, no doubt!)

I'm reading Julie & Julia: 365 days, 524 recipes, 1 tiny apartment kitchen by Julie Powell. Its Julie's attempt at cooking every recipe from Mastering the Art of French Cooking, Volume One by Julia Child, Louisette Bertholle, and Simone Beck. I checked them both out of the library, and Julie & Julia is proving to be very entertaining thus far. Julie's humor is self-deprecating and sarcastic, and previous to her year long experiment, she cooked but she didn't cook. So she started blogging about her experiment, which eventually turned into a book (conveniently solving her 'what do I do with my life, I'm almost 30' dilemma she was having).

I was hoping to regal you with stories of cooking Coq au Vin (p. 263 in MtAoFC) or Epinards a la Basquaise (p. 498, and gratin of Spinach and Sliced Potatoes with Anchovies, btw) in my own kitchen, but like I said, I'm hungry. Plus, I didn't actually make those things. But I will sometime and I'll be sure to tell you all about it. In the meantime, you'll just have to be on standby for my ravings about those slow-cooked ribs I smell.